Author: L. Harris

Maintaining good gut health is vital for many reasons. Sometimes referred to as the “second brain,” due to the network of cells and chemicals it uses, the gut plays home to trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that make up the gut microbiota. Here are some key reasons why taking care of your gut health is important: As you can imagine, one of the most important reasons to look after your stomach is to manage your weight and your metabolism. If your gut’s microbiota is unbalanced can lead to problems such as metabolic disorders or obesity. The microbiota in your…

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There were many new words and phrases the world had to get their head around following the global COVID-19 pandemic – words such as Covidiot, blursday and spike protein all became common lingo. In this blog, we are going to focus on the latter of the three. The spike protein is a protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes COVID-19. The spike protein is responsible for allowing the virus to enter and infect human cells and is also believed to be the main driver on inflammation & long COVID. But how does it work? The…

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Life seems to be getting more chaotic by the day. People are constantly looking for ways help reduce their stress but did you know there are some really simple things you can do to help – like cleaning your home! Yes, I know it can be stressful when you’re looking at the mound of washing up that needs put away, the hoovering that needs done and the shelves that need sorted BUT not only getting the house in order but the feeling you will have after is a great way to get your mind back on track! In this blog,…

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Emotions – we all have them. Sometimes you can feel an array of emotions and not know why. Unfortunately, these are usually sad feelings. We have taken a look at some reason you may be all consumed and feeling down but not know why. Factors such as social, cultural, environmental can all play roles in the way your feeling but what if there’s something else getting you down? Something else you’re able to pinpoint the exact cause of. Here are some possible explanations: Unconscious emotions: There are some times whereby people may not even be aware that there are some…

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British Supplements have established themselves as one of the biggest brands in the UK. Their anti-corporate mantra resonates with many & as a result has saw the brand sky rocket over the last 12 months. But is too much, too quick an issue? It seems so. Unfortunately for British Supplements, their recent surge in sales has led to them simply struggle to keep up with demand.Delays have become such an issue that the brand have addressed it on the ‘Contact Us’ section of their website. Their statement confirmed that they are running ‘about’ a week behind on orders – with…

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Since it pandemic started back in 2020, scientists have long been searching for a cure to COVID-19. A rushed vaccine mandate was rolled out, some turned to using alternative medicines like Ivermectin and such like, but what about CBD?CBD has been used for years as a form of alternate medicine with people using it to help with ailments such as anxiety, fibromyalgia & even anti-cancer properties! With an estimated 11% of the UK regularly using CBD, if the plant can help- it may be an extremely cost effective and useful way to cope with COVID.In one of his most recent…

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Following a bout of COVID-19, your body can suffer some long lasting effects such as lose of taste and smell, fatigue & possibly even spike proteins throughout your body.In order to try and get your body back to some form of normality, you may consider doing a detox. People choose to detox for a number of reasons such as weight loss, stabilize mood, & boost immunity, all factors would can be effected by both being suffering from COVID & some of the side effects following the vaccine. Spike proteins were one of the more controversial talking points when the vaccine…

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High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been a buzzword in the fitness industry for quite some time now. It is a workout style that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or low-intensity recovery periods. The popularity of HIIT can be attributed to its potential for weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, and increased endurance. However, there are also myths and misconceptions surrounding HIIT. In this blog, we will explore the facts and fiction surrounding high intensity interval training. Fiction: HIIT is only for athletes or those in excellent physical condition Fact: HIIT can be adapted…

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‘Burnout’ is an mental, physical & emotional state of exhaustion following an constant high pressure & chronic stress over a long period of time. It is a common problem amongst those who who work long hours, have a lot of responsibilities or struggle to juggle the work life balance. Burnout can cause feelings of detachment, cynicism, and a sense of being unable to cope with the demands of daily life. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. If left unaddressed, burnout can have a negative impact on an individual’s overall health and well-being, as…

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As the weather gets warmer, it’s common for people’s appetites can decrease. This can be due to numerous things such as heat, activity levels & dehydration. The hotter the body gets, the more it sweats. This can lead to a decrease in appetite because the body is using more energy to cool down so doesn’t feel as hungry. Although your appetite may be smaller than usual, it is still really important to still get your vitamins & minerals in your body. One of the easiest ways to do this is to make some refreshing, healthy smoothies. All you need is…

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