Since it pandemic started back in 2020, scientists have long been searching for a cure to COVID-19. A rushed vaccine mandate was rolled out, some turned to using alternative medicines like Ivermectin and such like, but what about CBD?
CBD has been used for years as a form of alternate medicine with people using it to help with ailments such as anxiety, fibromyalgia & even anti-cancer properties! With an estimated 11% of the UK regularly using CBD, if the plant can help- it may be an extremely cost effective and useful way to cope with COVID.
In one of his most recent videos, Dr. John Campbell has explored the relationship between SARS-CoV2 and CBD, looking at weather the anti-viral properties it is believed the latter contains, could help lower the risk of infection or serious illness that so many experienced from COVID.
The first test Dr. Campbell referred to was a study conducted on the human lung cell cultures. If the cells were exposed to CBD 2 hours before they were exposed to the virus, the CBD substantially prevented the infection from taking hold of the cells. The study was then conducted with THC & CBD but this resulted in the THC inhibiting the CBD in it’s prevention.
The second evidence is animal based. Infected Mice were given CBD twice a day for four days and had 40x less viral particles in their lungs.
The final line of evidence was human based. In the United States, 1,221 who take CBD in order to prevent epilepsy. The study found they were 50% less likely to be infected with SARS-CoV2 – however there was no follow up study to find out weather, if they did contract the virus, if the CBD reduced the severity of the illness.
Dr. Campbell’s full video is available at the top of the article in which he takes an extended look at the research paper and dives deep into the three lines of evidence we have briefly discussed above.
The study which is referred to throughout the video is, ‘Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response’ and can be found, here.
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